For some people Tumblr seems like a weird place. A place where you just roam through pictures of random things. Some people believe it's pointless, however, for people who really use the site it can be a wonderful place of inspiration and a cure of boredom.
I seem to find myself roaming through tumblr everyday and happen to come across many things that inspire me from what to wear to things to eat, so here is some of my inspirations from the last week.
Skinny Ripped Jeans
I am not usually one who likes to wear light coloured jeans, I usually like to stick to black ones as I feel as if they come off as smarter but I am in love with these light blue skinny jeans. They are completely different to my usual taste but I love how they can be paired with some classic black high heels and a nice white shirt. The jeans on their own may seem very urban but pairing them up with heels and a shirt can really make the outfit seem smart with a nice twist.

I am one of them people who love necklaces but always forget to wear them. Well after coming across these lovely necklaces below and seeing what they are paired with I think I'm going to try out more necklaces. I am extremely in love with the bambi necklace, it is such an adorable necklace that could literally go with any shirt. I used to have a necklace a little bit like this that had a little woman and man kissing and this just reminded me of it so I think I might have to try and find it again,
Now the other two pictures are of big statement necklaces. These are lovely but I seem to hardly have any big necklaces like these because I feel like I can't pull them off. However, after seeing these pictures I really want to try some out so I am going to step out of my comfort zone and buy one!
Short Hair
Now it's taken me ages to grow my hair out, therefore I don't want to cut it any time soon, but these two styles I found on tumblr really make me want to have short hair again. I love the wavy blonde hair as it looks so simple and I love the nice little plait that makes it look beachy. I hate coming across pictures like these cause I tend to cut my hair after them and it never looks as good so because of this I'm going to admire these pictures but not do anything to my hair as I want it to keep growing.
Up until recently I didn't take much notice in my eyebrows, having hardly ever tried to do something to them but pluck them (and that was on rare occasions aswell) I know, I know, that's crazy in this day and age when some people are even shaving them off to completely draw them on, but I never saw the appeal or how they could effect ones face. Now when I started trying out doing different things to my eyebrows it became really fun. Now these three lots of eyebrows below look lovely and I think I'm going to take inspiration from them for when I pluck and fix my own eyebrows.
Running Trainers
It's January now and what does that mean? Well it means we all promise ourselves that we are going to exercise more and eat healthy. Well, I'm not one for exercising to extent, I like to do it every now and again and I usually prefer to do exercises such as swimming and gymnastics however, I have always wanted to get in to running but never had the motivation. These running shoes have now become that motivation. I don't know why I like these shoes so much but I think they look so cute and what a better way to make me enjoy something that's good for me?
So there are my tumblr inspirations of this month, it's only a quick little blog I know, but if you enjoy this then please let me know as I would love to do more! Thanks so much for reading and if you like what you read you can always follow me on bloglovin! Thanks again, see you soon!
I love this <3 Do you have Pinterest?
Thank you! I do but I've never got the hang of it, is it good?