Phone tech shops; A waste of time?

I haven't blogged in a while. Why?
Well, the past few weeks I have been extremely busy. I tend to dread school holidays because all though days at work go quicker because it's busier but it means I have to spend more of my time at work than anywhere else. Because of working around 120 hours over the past two weeks I haven't really been able to do too much else.
Then I came across another problem. I accidentally smashed my phone screen. My phone already had a slight little crack but then one day at work I took it out of my pocket and it had smashed even more so I decided to get it fixed. My friend had told me of this 'good' phone shop that would fix my phone for me and it'd be as good as new. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. After corrupting my phone and breaking it even more I ended up leaving the shop a week later with a new device. I'm glad they gave me a new device and sorted it in the end but all the data and pictures on my old phone are now lost completely. I don't know if it was just the phone shop I went to but after I took my phone in I heard many shocking storys about phone technicians always breaking phones even more. I was very surprised by this because you pay so much for them to fix it and yet they are so disrespectful with the customers devices. I think next time I will end up fixing it myself with the help of some DIY lessons on youtube!
On a brighter note, I have been out shopping and brought many new items that I would like to share within my blog. That includes the cute little pug notebook that I have been using to write down blog/film ideas. I have a week off this coming week so will be planning on writing loads more posts and hopefully getting back into the swing of things.
Thanks for reading!
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